Welcome to The Florida State Poets Association

Come to the Annual Convention

Registration and Discounted Hotel links are in the PDF

Cadence and Contest Deadlines

Submissions are closed for 2024.

Use these links after the Oct. conference to see the results.


hosted by Peter Gordon
September 3rd at 7:30 PM EST
Meeting ID: 879 3353 2350 Passcode: 637985

Of Poets & Poetry

The September/October issue of FSPA’s Of Poets & Poetry features the English poet Ros Barber being interviewed by OPAP Co-Editor Al Rocheleau. We have all the info for our 2024 Fall Conference to be held in Palatka, including elections. We also feature an article by Sonja Jean Craig on Phillip Morin Freneau. Carl Johnson talks about Postcard Poetry, Shutta Crum explores hybrid poetry, and, as always, we have chapter news and much, much more.

Here is a link: Sep/Oct Of Poets & Poetry

The print version is available on Amazon.

Become a Member

Get our magazine Of Poets & Poetry, network with other poets, and get discounted contest submissions. Annual membership costs $35 ($20 for students).

About us

FSPA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt (501-C-3) organization founded in October of 1974 and chartered by the State of Florida in July 1979. Our goal is to provide opportunities for writing, reading, enjoying, and learning about the art of poetry. FSPA chapters meet throughout the state for poetry readings, workshops, and events. We host two annual conventions each year and provide several contest opportunities. Through our social media accounts, we strive to connect our members with one another and also with the vibrant, worldwide community of poets.

FSPA is a member of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS). Quick link to NFSPS Website